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Matei Tiboc - Founder
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  • Detailed player performance metrics
  • Market value & contract details
  • Player`s salary and expectations

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Global coverage 200+ countries

50,000+ Clubs   700k+ Players   500+ Competitions

We know data is complicated. But it doesn't have to be.

We know data is complicated. But it doesn't have to be.

See all the numbers in one place, easy & super fast filtering, sorting, searching in real time.


Get Ahead of the Competition with Your new Scouting Pal

ScoutingPal allows football professionals to search an international database of players and helps you find potential buys based on their performance metrics, market value, salary and more.

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Customize your search by your needs. Compare tens of players at the same time, not only 2.

Track player values and their evolution over time.

per90 minutes or total value for all the important player metrics.

Access player salaries and transfer expectations in real-time.

Compare players across all leagues and positions in a single search.
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Market Value & History
Performance Metrics
Salary Expectations

Do you need a striker under 25 yrs., from any European first two leagues, whose contract expires in less than 6 months, and who has an average of more than 0.5 goals per match, succ. air duels over 50% per match and over 10 goals in the current or last season?

Do you need a winger under 27 yrs., from Any first league in the world, Free agent, with average successful crossings over 60% per match, avg. successful dribblings over 70% per match and successful passes per match over 80%?

Do you need a center midfielder under 30 yrs., from South America or USA from all the competitions, with contract expiring in the next 12 months, with avg. passing rate over 80%, dribbling rate over 50%, through-in pass rate over 50% and average assists per match over 0.5?

Find and Recruit Top Talent Worldwide – Effortlessly!

  • Create unlimited player shortlists in a couple of minutes.
  • Narrow down your options, compare tens of players in a single screen.
  • Prioritize your targets and make an objective decision.
Build Your Shortlist Now

Discover talents before they are brought to you

And supplement the intuition of football professionals.


99 49€/month

Why ScoutingPal?

Reduce Costs, Save Time

Save time and money by replacing hours of manual scouting with instant, easy to understand player performance data.


Fast searching

Instantly find the football players you need with Scoutingpal’s powerful search tool. Filter, sort, and discover talent in seconds!

Simple DATA

No more messy and complicated stats. Get the full picture and make informed decisions to boost your transfer market success.


Clear & Simple

No more cluttered and complex stats. Get clean, straightforward insights to make smarter transfer decisions with ease.

Expand Search Area

Imagine Having a Global Scouting Network at Your Fingertips. Be prepared and move quickly in the transfer market.


Global Network

Access a global scouting network in seconds. Stay ahead, discover talent worldwide, and make swift transfer moves.

Case scenario


Get a tip

You get a tip from an agent or a partner. Enter your account, search and add the player in your custom shortlist


Create shortlists

Add your current team players in the same position in the same shortlist (you can create different shortlists for every position on the field).


Search for players

Search globally using filters and sorting for better players. Save the best of them in your desired shortlist


Make a clear decision

Easily compare all of the players added in your shortlist and see who is the best


Maximize Profits, Optimize Transfers

Boost your P&L, cash flow, and performance by empowering your team to succeed in the transfer market. Outperform your budget and generate transfer profits like never before. Buy cheap and sell Big.

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Elite Deals, Sustainable Success

Get recognized as a top deal maker and achieve sporting success within your club’s financial constraints. Monitor young talent, track market trends, and never miss an opportunity.

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Smarter Recruitment, Stronger Squad

Find the best players faster, gain a competitive edge, and modernize your recruitment efforts with ScoutingPal. Track player availability, contract status, and salary expectations in real-time.

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Effortless Scouting, Smarter Decisions

Our solutions simplify data scouting and performance analysis—find players with fewer clicks and in less time. Search, sort, and filter player data in real time with our fast and intuitive platform.

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Unlock Your Full Potential

Maximize your career opportunities — identify your strengths, know your weeknesses, showcase your performance, and boost your career prospects.

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One single plan affordable to anyone.

See what's inside

  • Players salaries
  • Market value & history
  • Performance metrics
  • All career stats
  • 99 49€/month

Get ahead of the competition

See what's inside

  • Make your personal shortlists
  • Export & share player profiles
  • Access to all leagues and players
  • Without any restrictions

Any questions?

ScoutingPal provides global coverage and advanced filtering capabilities, offering comprehensive data, including performance stats, contract details, market value history and expected salary.

Yes, you can cancel at any time without penalties. Simply go to your account settings and stop your subscription. You can re-activate your subscription anytime.

Our data is updated in real-time, ensuring that you always have the latest player information.

ScoutingPal features players from most first 2 leagues in every country, and lower leagues in the major markets, spanning top-tier talents to emerging stars across the world. We are continuously adding more competitions each month.

Absolutely! ScoutingPal’s advanced filters help small clubs find undervalued players and discover emerging talents without breaking the bank.

We offer support through email and have 24/7 access to our WhatsApp personal 1-on-1 channel, speaking with a human, not an “AI” robot.

DATA is complicated, we know.

That's why we made our tool the easiest way to understand all the metrics

Subscribe now! 99 49€/month